Data are collected in the project including the subset of patients in the USA derived from the eICU Collaborative Research Database (eICU-CRD) as Global Open Source Severity of Illness Score. The dataset consists of the information reported within the first 24 hours after admission for 131 thousand unique patients from 204 hospitals from ICU admissions discharged in 2014-15.

Upload date:  June 7, 2023

High time-resolution ICU dataset is a freely accessible critical care dataset containing data from almost 34 thousand patients admitted to the Department of Intensive Care Medicine (ICU) of the Bern University Hospital in Switzerland. HiRID has a high time resolution of registered data, most importantly for bedside monitoring, with most parameters recorded every 2 minutes. In this study, we select only variables included in preprocessed data provided by the authors.

Upload date:  June 7, 2023

Dataset extracted from the MIMIC-IV database. It contains a collection of 12 binary classification tasks of occurrence-specific diseases reported as ICD codes. The MIMIC-IV database is the most common resource of high-volume EHR data.

Upload date:  June 7, 2023
